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justice and sustainability



  • Peacehome Campaigns is a private consulting group which brings together skilled professionals in support of these goals:

  • Resourcing and helping to develop small to medium size non-profits that work for progressive  social change

  • Running, or co-organizing campaigns for these non-profits and progressive candidates that stand for progressive ideals

  • Running our own campaigns as needed and as the opportunities allow

Our Main Project:
Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW

We believe that all the issues are connected... To find out more, go here:


To join and help us make a difference, go here:


Fundraising is not just a means of raising money, but also a way to promote the message and goals of a non-profit. ... Given enough time and funds, a non-profit has the potential to go national, or even global.


It ensures that the non-profit can continue funding and helping its cause, for example funding can go to research, expansion, new staff, supplies for new campaigns or office and meeting space.

Peacekeeper and Non-Violence Training

In numerous demonstrations of the past it has been found that the
effectiveness and nonviolence of the action has been greatly enhanced by the participation of people with special skills. These specialized participants, or peacekeepers, perform specific facilitating roles for the action. Even if you have not decided to specialize in the role of peacekeeper, however, you may find yourself in a conflict situation in which peacekeeper skills will be useful. In a nonviolent action everyone is, to some extent, a

With over 20 years experience, Peacehome Campaigns has conducted trainings in Pennsylvania, Florida and we go everywhere in between to ensure activists are prepared with the power of non-violence in all that they undertake. 

Back To Philly

We are relocating

Founded in 1998, Peacehome Campaigns started out in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and soon moved to the Philly suburbs opening up a staffed office in Lansdowne PA. In 2014 we moved our main operation to Coconut Creek Florida where we built a base and co-created Peace, Justice, Sustainability Florida and the Florida Peace Network. 

Now in the third quarter of 2019 are re-locating our headquarters BACK to where we began. Philadelphia. But we do plan to build upon the collaborative work we accomplished in the Sunshine State. Not only will we continue to coordinate on-line efforts to keep organizing for a better world in Florida but we plan on at least one trip back each year.


We are seeking a point person who can coordinate our activities in FL. If you feel you are motivated, qualified and willing to help us raise the funds for the position, contact us at or call 610-220-0223

We also look forward to developing new relationships throughout the country as we continue to grow.

Latest Projects

As soon as we get to settle back into our home town, we plan to see just how we can play an active part in supporting and organizing for a Green New Deal and with the Pennsylvania Poor People's Campaign. We might also play a role partnering with Delaware Valley Co-Living Co-operative. Check back at this space for more details as the relationship(s) grow(s). (in the interest of transparency, Our Organizing Director has played a role as one of the Co-founders of DelVal CoCo.)

Philadelphia Co-housing group meal.jpg

News 2

Look here for more news as it develops 

News 3

Look here for more news as it develops 

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